Welcome to Altcoin Anonymous: The Bar is OpenLearn how this Altcoin community is working together to DeFi the odds. Using gratuities to keep order, Cocktails does yield farming right!Jan 11, 2021Jan 11, 2021
Let’s Get Mixing: A Recipe for ETHMake your ETH turn into more ETH with Cocktails.Finance new yield farming project. Get a taste of these Cocktails!Jan 8, 2021Jan 8, 2021
Cocktail Finance Introduces: Altcoin AnonymousLooking for a safe space for DeFi lovers? Like to enjoy the benefits of a real Altcoin? Just need to vent? Enter, Altcoin Anonymous!Jan 8, 2021Jan 8, 2021
Cocktails.Finance Whitepaper… With a Few Drink Stains, SorryCocktails.Finance introduces their epic new yield farming platform and plans to DeFi the Altcoin marketJan 5, 2021Jan 5, 2021